Thursday, February 3, 2011

Page Rank 2!

Oh My Gawd!!!

I can't believe it! After blogging for almost a year now, This website is has is now on Page Rank 2! I am so happy and it feels goooodddd!!! Hahaha!

You see, I don't do much update on this blog anymore because of some serious personal stuff that is really eating up all my time. Its just a while ago that I came here to visit and got shocked when I saw my pagerank at the lower left part of this page. Its like this:
Page Rank 2!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Running Blog

I created another blog a few weeks ago. Its gonna be my running blog. I just felt like my ventures in running doesn't fit this blog anymore so I decided to create a new one. It is called Into The Finish Line. Its gonna be my journal about running. I'll write something here about my easy and hard runs, the running events I get into, my learnings and everything. I hope that you come by and visit it too. I haven't created a badge for it yet but I already have a few posts. So you have a little something to read on.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Got this cool website from my mentor Jomar Hilario. You're gonna make your own profile. Put anything about you and the web address is like coolness huh! you can also customize backgrounds, fonts, and stuff. Here is mine:
You can visit my profile at and find fun facts about ME! 
If you have already done your profile please do leave your URL at the comment box. I'd love to know more about you.

Friday, December 24, 2010


"A House is made of brick and stone, A Home is made of love alone, Hands can make a house but only hearts can make a home. Home is where the heart is."
- Pliny the Elder

"The mind of Christ is to be learned in the family. Strength of character may be acquired at work, but beauty of character is learned at home."
- Henry Drummund

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!!! 

Nhil, Lhen, Emily and Ashly De Guzman

Friday, December 10, 2010


"I am so proud of my Emily" This thought keeps up to my mind whenever I look at her still sleeping every morning I wake up, every time I kiss her, every time I hug her, and every time we do things together.

Emily was born January 26, 2007 at exactly 7:01 in the evening via normal delivery at the Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center. Since then I never wanted anything but to give out my best for this little girl that God has given me.

On her way to growing up as a toddler, she was introduced to watching TV and then I noticed that she has been watching for so long in a day. And so I thought, I have to do something about it or else my little one might grew up being a lazy "couch potato". Early school comes to my mind.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have been into running lately and I found it addictive. Though I wasn't really under going any training on running, and I wasn't that super fast runner, I still managed to finish every race that I got myself into.

I have posted my first two running event before. The first one is the Kerygma fun run and The Red Cross Run for Humanity race where both I ran 5 Kilometers.

I have also ran for the Ilog Pasig last 10.10.10 but only for 3 Kilometers and I wasn't able to blog about it for some reasons. Lol! But heres my picture on that run

Last month, November 21, 2010, I joined the leg 3 of Runrio Trilogy and registered at the 15K category! I was supposed to be on the 5K only but the time we registered, theres no more slot for 5K so I was "forced" to join friends on 15K. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Laugh With God Today by Michael Angelo Lobrin

Like I Said in my previous post about the Kerygma Conference, I bought Brother Michael Angelos Book "Laugh with God Today". It is a happy book about being a Catholic and living a life in Gods path.

Without reading it yet, I can see myself already laughing while reading it because thats what always happen when we listen to him during his talk or every time he leads the love offering prayer at the Kerygma Feast PICC.

I heard he is just about to launch it this Sunday, December 5 but I got it already on its pre-launching at the Kerygma Conference. With  a bonus picture with him and an autograph.

Today, I finished reading the book. Yeah, yeah, It took me days to finish it though it can be read in like an hour or two and it will mean like two hours of laughing!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last week November 27 and 28, I attended the Grand Kerygma Feast at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). It is actually a three day event with different streams for you to choose where you want to attend. November 26 is about Leadership Restoration. This day is optional if you want to attend or not. I did not attend because I am in Olongapo City for the wake of my Uncle who died a few days before this event.

The second day, November 27 I am on the Faith Restoration stream. My friend Mich is a servant and is assigned at the marriage restoration stream. My sister is at the Youth Restoration stream with her friends. There are also other streams like the Marriage Restoration stream ( which I wished to attend but my husband wont go there with me so.. ), Singles Restoration stream, Happy Celebates Restoration stream, Single-Parents Restoration stream and Inner Restoration stream.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Support Manny Pacquiao, the World’s #1 Boxer, just like Head and Shoulders, the World’s #1 Shampoo!

Our main man Manny Pacquiao is geared up again for another fight. This time it will be with Antonio Margarito, another Mexican (just like his past challengers who actually... lost by the way) He is  heavier, taller, bigger than our guy.

But this statistics doesn't bother Manny Pacquiao much for he is now focused on his speed for the fight. Manny is so ready, so motivated for this upcoming fight and he will do it again for the pride glory of our country.

I am supporting him as always for doing this to our country. His name has always brought Filipinos with pride and joy. I actually remember his previous fight with Antonio Barrera where my daughter(Emily) actually learned how to clap her hands because of all the people clapping around her. This time I have another nine month old daughter (Ashly) whom I am waiting for to learn how to clap hopefully this Sunday again cheering for Manny Pacquiao.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello everyone! I just wanna share my Internet scam experience.

I am selling prepaid credits at http://PhilippinePrepaids.Com. I have had many paypal transactions before and all of them turn out ok naman. Sales are always closed and I've been earning from this business since I started it online.

The simple process is that they text me about their inquiry on the availability of the prepaid load that they need and if I confirmed it, they send me the money through paypal and when I received it, I send them the load. I also accept payments via GCASH, bank deposits, and money transfers.

Around 8PM of October 8, 2010 I received a message from cellphone number 09064674503 inquiring if i have globe prepaid card because she will be needing 2 pcs of 500 call card. I said I dont have it but I can give her Globe autoload worth of 1000 if its ok with her. She said ok and told me that she will pay me via paypal. I use "she" though she didnt give me her name yet but when I checked my email, she submitted an order form on my website with her name as "Sarrah Caster" and her cellphone number.