Thursday, May 20, 2010


I am not fit and I know that. I admit that I dont live a healthy life. I dont exercise and I dont follow any diet rules. I am not sporty and I am not loosing/gaining weight.

But I will run...

I registered at the Kerygma's K for K! This is another first time for the Pinay Mom! The first time to join a RUN.   Mich and I registered for the 5K category and this one is the farthest category for this race. I know I am not fit for this, but there is nothing wrong in trying and joining and starting to jive into wellness. I am not getting any younger. Illness may come my way at an early stage if I dont think of my health as early as this (or I am so late to realize this? lol!)

I am so excited for this and I am thinking of preparing for it right now. Will start by jogging early in the morning and do some stretching etc...

Here is the pic of the shirt I am gonna wear. This is the official one and I don't have any bottom partner for this.

And I need your help...

Which one is better? A Jogging pants? or A short? Any color suggestions? Please comment.

Look at my shirt size.

Yes.. it says EXTRA SMALL...haha!

This is my race number with the sticker.

1 comment:

Pinoy Working Mom said...

Dark blue shorts or jogging pants would be great....have fun.