Friday, April 24, 2009

Share a Story

Want to share some stories? Be a guest blogger on Pinay Mom Journal.

Just some simple Rules:
  1. Your article should be original and unpublished in any medium (magazine, other blog or website, etc).
  2. It must be written in English and contains at least 200 words.
  3. It must be a personal anecdote that talks about your experience and lessons learned with regards to your family life, being a mom, about your kids or your husbands,
  4. I prefer stories which are universal and timeless. This means it should appeal to anyone, regardless of where they are from; and the topic can remain relevant and informative even if it’s read a year from now.
When you submit your story, you agree that:
  • I can proofread and edit your article according to my preference which includes removing irrelevant external links. This means external links may be removed if I believe that it does not serve an important purpose to the context of the sentence or paragraph.
  • You will not receive any compensation (monetary or otherwise) from your work other than a promotion of your business, service, product or website in the form of a short bio included at the end of your story.
All those interested should first send me an email at to inform me of your intention to write a guest post.
I would appreciate it if you could introduce yourself and give the topic of your story, which includes the title of what you’re planning to write, when you send me that email.
Thank you.


Unknown said...

as a pinoy mom, (i'm just curious) what is your view on the RH Bill and oral contraceptives?

LHeN said...

hi ene! I am a catholic pinoy mom. I follow rules. I say NO to RH Bill.