Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last week November 27 and 28, I attended the Grand Kerygma Feast at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). It is actually a three day event with different streams for you to choose where you want to attend. November 26 is about Leadership Restoration. This day is optional if you want to attend or not. I did not attend because I am in Olongapo City for the wake of my Uncle who died a few days before this event.

The second day, November 27 I am on the Faith Restoration stream. My friend Mich is a servant and is assigned at the marriage restoration stream. My sister is at the Youth Restoration stream with her friends. There are also other streams like the Marriage Restoration stream ( which I wished to attend but my husband wont go there with me so.. ), Singles Restoration stream, Happy Celebates Restoration stream, Single-Parents Restoration stream and Inner Restoration stream.

I wore my jogging outfit because I planned to jog first before I went inside PICC since I woke up a little early as I planned. I went inside PICC at 7:30AM and since I am alone in this stream I decided to sit at the front row where I first met Maria from Papua New Guinea.She said she is here with her other friends who are also in the other streams. I also met sister Cristy from La Union and sister Nanette of Sun Life of Canada. We talked about a lot of things while waiting for the program to start.

Ate Nanette, Ate Cristy and Me

Me, Maria and Maria ^_^

The program started late. Its like past 9AM when Brother Adrian showed up and rocked the house down with worship songs like "Faith", "As it is in Heaven"' and "How Great is our God". Brother Carl Fontanilla is our Track Head and he is the one who guaranteed us the 100% satisfaction after attending the Faith Restoration. 

Then heres is my favorite Brother Michael Angelo, our first speaker. His talk is about the Mass. How it should be done, and how it should be. Brother Michael is so gifted in making people laugh while teaching and leaving something to think about to the audience. Its my first time to hear the acronym for BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! I super laugh at this talk and super learned a lot as well. For someone who doesn't go to church half of my life this talk is really awesome!!!

From his talk I quote: "For a person who have Faith, no explanation is needed but for a person who doesn't have Faith, no explanation is possible."

Brother Michael Angelo Lobrin

The Mass Appeal

After the great talk of Brother Michael is a song from Fatima Soriano.

 Msgr. Gerry Tapiador is the second speaker and talks about the Super Book. He showed lots of picture of different places in the Bible that he has been in to. I super liked his presentation because of the pictures. He super symbolized faith to me because Msgr. Tapiador really gathered lots of facts and information about the bible and showed real proofs about it. I am definitely gonna get those pictures and send it as gift cards for Christmas...
Msgr. Gerry Tapiador talks about the SuperBook

The Super Book

"The Chalice"


Father Eric Santos is the third speaker and talked about the Seven Sacraments. He really is so funny like Bro Michael Angelo. I can't remember how many times I laughed at his talk but definitely learned a lot bout it.
Fr. Eric Santos

After the talk of Father Eric is the Love Offering where he also lead the offering prayer. Some announcements from Brother Adrian and then the lunch break. I had Chicken Asado for lunch.There I saw Mich, Marie and her friends and we are all so excited to share each others stories from our streams.

I also bought Brother Michael Angelos new book "Laugh with God Today"

I got it signed too!

Brother Mike Joseph is the last speaker. They said that he is Brothe Bo Sanchezs' Spiritual mentor, I say he is. With the way he talk and the style in preaching they are the same with Brother Bo. I feel so blessed to become a catholic after this talk. He basically discussed the Apostles creed but drew more meaning on it. A deeper value to my faith and made me embrace my religion more. 

From the talk of Brother Mike Joseph I quote the following:

"There is no greater security than to become a child of God."

" Every time we pray, God will listen to us."

"Prayer is my strength, and is Gods weakness."

Brother Mike Joseph

Theres an open forum after all the talks and Brothers Michael Angelo, Mike Joseph, Carl and Adrian went up on stage to answer questions from the attendees. 
Most questions are about the Reproductive Health Bill, about the misconception of the Eucharist and about couples who are not married in Church.
The Forum
I really got my Faith restored after this program. I felt Gods presence and I know He is happy for me that I am here. Once in my life I got lost, but still He found me. Thank you Lord that I did not need to change my values and beliefs just to know you more. 

Here are some other photos from this days event:

If you haven't heard of "The Feast" It is the happiest place on Earth. I am inviting you to come and join us every Sunday  at the PICC. 1st Session is from 8:30AM to 10:30AM 2nd Session is from 10:30AM to 12:30NN. It will start with a Holy Mass and then worship and then a very powerful talk. There are also room for the Awesome Kids from ages 4 - 12 years old. It is really where you could spend a great whole family Sunday!

To know more about the Kerygma Feast please do visit : 


Unknown said...

Mommy Lhen! :) wahooo! Great job on your blogs. Esp. your other one about our Catholic faith! :) Keep it up! And congrats on your Adsense! :) Ako wala pa rin, hehe. :)

LHeN said...

@ Ohla Momma - joining the olahmomma...

@ tina - hey! thanks :) Were you in the KCON too?